Floristry and floral design
Flower Design of Britain

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Beginner's Floristry

Basic floristry class in Pattaya, Thailand

This course is suitable for a flower arranger or junior florist. The course covers buying flowers, business management, systems of flower relaying and practical workshop for beginner's level. To work and enjoy flowers or even consider it as a career.
Some English is essential to attend.

Conducted by Mr. Geoffrey Hughes

5 days
9:30 - 15:30

works in the class

Comprehensive Floristry
4 weeks and 6 weeks

Practical Flower Arranging

Florsitry Art and Craft
Introduction to Design stage1 & 2
Intermediate Bridal
Contemporary Design
Magazine Photographic Design
Bridal Bouquet Formations

FDB Master Class

Other classes
Private lesson
Retail in-shop training
Brimingham flower market visit

Special class in Thailand
Beginners Floristry
Flower arranging for fun

Application form | Access | Accommodation | e-mail